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Have you heard the news? 

Over Christmas/Hanukkah week, I shared a big announcement on my social media channels! This post has been a few weeks coming thanks to some major life curveballs over the past month, but friends, I am so excited to share that we are cooking up our best recipe yet this year. We are expecting a baby in June!

Pregnancy Announcement


I’ve always wanted to be a mommy. From the time I could hold dolls as a kid, I treated them (and called them) my babies. My baby dolls came to doctor’s appointments and they ate meals at the table with us. 

Honestly, I always imagined if I ever had that *pinch me* moment of leaving my teaching career to run this website full-time, it would be when I was having children (now, I laugh that I thought that would be so easy!). As you know, that *pinch me* moment happened earlier than I ever thought it would… and a few years ahead of the mommy phase, too. 

There are so many things bringing me to tears as I type this — memories of finding out we were expecting, the whole wild journey of growing a human in my belly, preparation for said human, and so much more. Do I have fears? OF COURSE. Will I be perfect? No chance. But wanting to be a mom? There’s no question or doubt in my mind about that.

Some Updates:

How far along? I am currently twenty-one weeks pregnant! Baby is expected on June 7, 2020. ??

The first trimester: The first trimester was a bit rough over here, but we’re WELL past it now! I can’t believe I’m more than halfway through my pregnancy already. The first trimester, I was so tired, throwing up every few days, getting crippling headaches, and was next-level tired. I still get the occasional headache, but I’m not getting sick anymore and have so much more energy!

Cravings & Aversions: These were definitely more apparent in the first trimester and they changed basically daily. They’re calming down now, but I still definitely have some cravings. The good news? I can eat vegetables again! Early on, I struggled a bit because I felt like I wasn’t eating healthy enough, but I had to let go and realize my body knew what it was supposed to do. It needed a lot of carbs and crackers!

Bump Status: This sweet baby is growing and I’m showing! I’m petite, so I knew I’d likely show somewhat early, but we’re definitely at the bump stage. My lower back has been bothering me a bit but has gotten better with some new things I’ve been doing, and my skin is also super itchy — AKA STRETCHING!

Portions: I used to eat a few big meals per day, and I was never really a snacker. My meals always filled me up and fueled my day! Now, though, it’s all about snacks and smaller meals! If I get too full, I feel super uncomfortable (like, can’t-get-off-the-couch uncomfortable).

Anxiety: I’ve shared before about going to therapy, and it’s no secret that I’m naturally a worrier (generalized anxiety disorder). I’ve found some really great tools to keep my anxiety at bay during this time of so much unknown. I will share more on this in the upcoming weeks!

A few things that surprised me:

  • During the first trimester, I basically gagged every time I brushed my teeth. Lovely.
  • I haven’t had coffee since I found out I was pregnant — for no reason other than I really just have had no desire for it. I didn’t even ease out of my coffee-drinking routine! I just woke up one day and was done with coffee. Many of you said you experienced the same thing! How funny.
  • My gums are super sensitive. Definitely visiting the dentist more frequently for cleanings.
  • Pregnancy brain is REAL. It feels like if I don’t write down every single thing, it escapes my mind!
  • Surprisingly, my stomach is tolerating basically anything, except some random fried foods (even the latkes I made over the holidays didn’t sit well). I will share more about how I’m choosing to eat soon, too!

Overall, I’m just really focusing on enjoying every step of this process & sending loving energy to our sweet baby in there!

Pregnancy Announcement

Look at these two boys ready to be big brothers!

We’re having… a GIRL!

Many of you have made guesses about the sex of our babe and a handful of you thought that I dropped a” he” or “she” by accident on social media over the past few weeks! Were you right? 

I am so excited to announce that we are having a baby GIRL! Of course, I would be equally as happy having a boy or a girl, as long as we have a healthy baby, but finding out we are having a girl brought tears to my eyes. My mom is my best friend, so nothing makes me more excited than the thought of my own little girl bestie running around with me.

We found out what we were having around the week of Thanksgiving. We cried together and loved each other up when we got the news. It was a super special, intimate moment. Mike was so excited to be having a baby girl, and it already makes my heart swell thinking of the daddy-daughter relationship they’re going to have. He’s going to be the best dad!

Baby girl announcement cake

How we told our families:

We hosted our first Thanksgiving in our new home this year. It was around the twelve-week mark in my pregnancy, so we planned to tell our families the baby’s sex over dessert with this gorgeous cake Kelli made (it’s our vanilla gluten-free cake recipe). I grabbed a cute cake topper from Amazon, some random pink and blue colored candies and goodies, and was ready to share the news!

Once everyone arrived, they collectively decided they simply could not wait until dessert, so we cut that adorable cake earlier in the day when everyone was there and celebrated our sweet girl. Every day is a day for Thanksgiving, but this one felt extra special.

Thanksgiving 2019

More to share soon! I’m going to tell you about the products I’m actually using daily at this point in my pregnancy, how I’m dealing with my anxiety, and more in the upcoming weeks and months. I’m also open to writing articles you’d like to hear more about so… what else would you like to hear about/me to write about? Let me know!

Above all else, thank you all for the well wishes, excitement, and love you’ve given us as we embark on this next chapter in our lives.



Pregnancy Announcement

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  1. Congratulations!!!!! A baby girl! Oh, you’re going to love that little pink thing the minute you see her! My son and his wife are expecting their first – also a girl around the same time as you so I’m doubly excited!!! Good luck to you on this new journey that will change your life for the very best!!! Thank you for always sharing such delicious recipes with us. You’re my fav!!! Can’t wait to see what this little angel looks like!

  2. Congratulations to you and your hubby. The pups will make great guard dogs. Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy, and a fast, healthy delivery. Thanks for all the great recipes.

  3. Congratulations Lexi! You will loooove being a Mom! Exciting days ahead. ? The cake is soooo cute and looks yummy.

  4. Wow, the love you two share is outstanding! Congratulations on your baby and congratulations on learning you are having a girl. I’m excited to see pictures and watching your love grow

  5. Congratulations!!!! The cake looks amazing!!
    Btw… love love love ? your recipes… my go to whenever I’m looking for something new and plenty are in regular rotation. Thank you!!!